News| Nov 29, 2021

Leah Purcell at State Theatre Sydney. Photo by Belinda Rolland

Congratulations to Leah Purcell, who took home the Jury Grand Prize at the Asia Pacific Screen Awards (APSA) for Australia after being recognised for The Drover’s Wife The Legend of Molly Johnson.

Leah Purcell, a proud Goa-Gunggari-Wakka Wakka Murri woman, is the first Australian to be awarded the Jury Grand Prize, wrote, directed, co-produced and starred in The Drover’s Wife The Legend of Molly Johnston.

See Leah Purcell accepting the award here and read more about Leah’s film The Drover’s Wife The Legend of Molly Johnson here.

Feature Image: Leah Purcell at State Theatre Sydney. Photo by Belinda Rolland