Tax Incentives

Australia offers a suite of globally competitive screen production incentives that include grants and tax rebates.

Location Offset – Now 30%

The Australian Government has passed the legislation which increases the Location Offset from 16.5% to 30%.

Post, Digital and Visual Effects (PDV) Offset – 30% + up to 15% for State & Territory PDV Incentives

The Australian Government's PDV Offset is a 30% tax rebate for productions who undertake post, digital and visual effects in Australia which can be combined with up to 15% from state and territory government incentives.


Australia’s states and territories also offer competitive incentives and grants for productions wanting to film in their regions (*some states offer more than 10% on a case-by-case basis); or for productions undertaking post, sound, music and visual effects with post and VFX studios in their states.

The Producer Offset – 30% Non-Theatrical Features, TV Series & Other Formats or 40% Theatrical Features

The Producer Offset: a 30% rebate for non-theatrical feature projects, TV series and other formats and 40% rebate for theatrical feature projects for Australian productions and Official Co-productions.

Official Treaty Co-Production

Official Treaty Co-productions are established under formal arrangements between Australia and governments of other countries, providing creative and economic benefits for both producers. Dive in here to see if your country is eligible.