Sydney-based Animal Logic animation production team is back with The LEGO® Ninjago Movie, the latest in the Warner Bros. Pictures’ LEGO® franchise, set to open worldwide on 21 September 2017 in both 3D and 2D. Leading the creative filmmaking team from Animal Logic are production designers Kim Taylor (Great Gatsby) and Simon Whiteley (Moulin Rouge!). Watch the the latest trailer unveiled at the San Diego Comic-Con.
In the film, Jackie Chan (Kung Fu Panda, The Karate Kid) stars as Master Wu; Justin Theroux (Megamind, The Leftovers) is Garmadon; Dave Franco (Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising) plays Lloyd; and Olivia Munn (X-Men: Apocalypse) is Lloyd’s mom, Koko.
Making up Lloyd’s secret ninja crew, Michael Peña (Ant-Man, The Martian) is Kai; Fred Armisen (Portlandia, SNL) voices Cole; Kumail Nanjiani (Silicon Valley, The Big Sick) is Jay; Abbi Jacobson (Broad City) plays Nya; and Zach Woods (Silicon Valley, The Office) voices Zane.