October 24, 2024 – The Ausfilm Board is delighted to announce the appointment of highly respected business leader, Samantha Martin-Williams, as its independent Chair for a three-year term.
An accomplished Chair, non-executive director and former CEO, with governance experience across finance, infrastructure, health, education and technology sectors, she brings a wealth of knowledge and leadership expertise to the role, and is passionate about creating value through human capital, emerging technologies and contemporary governance.
Ms Martin-Williams is a former Telstra Business Woman of the Year, a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, a Fellow of the Governance Institute of Australia and a Professor of Practice at the Newcastle Business School, University of Newcastle Australia. She currently serves as Board Director at Fishburners, Deputy Chair of Newcastle Airport Ltd and Chair-elect of NGM Group Australia, one of Australia’s largest customer-owned, multi-brand banks.
Ausfilm’s CEO, Kate Marks said “We are thrilled to have secured Sam for this pivotal role. Her breadth of experience brings a broad perspective to our membership and the screen sector, coming in at a time of opportunity with the 30% Location Offset now in effect. The Ausfilm Board and I look forward to harnessing Sam’s expertise as we navigate future challenges and opportunties facing the sector and our businesses.”
Ms Martin-Williams said, “I’m honoured to be appointed as Chair and excited to work with the Board and membership. Australia is a leading destination of choice for international screen content makers supporting screen industry growth across the country. Ausfilm’s thriving member-based model generates significant public benefit and impact; that means job creation, skills development, economic growth and national productivity.”
Ms Marks added, “As we look to the future, I would also like to acknowledge our previous Chair, Her Excellency the Honourable Sam Mostyn AC. Appointed as Australia’s Governor-General in July, testament to her exceptional service to Australia, we are incredibly grateful for her invaluable leadership and contribution to Ausfilm during her tenure.”

Ausfilm’s Board includes:
- Emma Drummond (Deputy Chair) – Group Head of Legal & Business Affairs, Animal Logic
- Nerissa Kavanagh – Managing Director, Blackbird
- Yasmine Lintmeijer – Head of Disney Studios Australia
- Jennie Zeiher – President, Rising Sun Pictures
- Lynne Benzie – President, Village Roadshow Studios
- Deirdre Brennan – CEO, Screen Australia
- Kyas Hepworth – Head of Screen NSW
- Jacqui Feeney – CEO, Screen Queensland
- Rikki Lea Bestall – CEO, Screenwest
- Caroline Pitcher – CEO, VicScreen